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Accelerated y-dna mutation rate and diet -

21-12-2016 à 16:03:54
Accelerated y-dna mutation rate and diet
This research is still advancing steadily (e. Thanks to this ever-progressing work, Valg has been able to separate the current components in modern mixes, isolating the original features and finally going back to the lost primal races. Those who think we are all equal or that all this is nonsense, are kindly invited not to read any further. Well No, though it may be comforting to believe that your Teachers and Professors are of sufficient character that they would not lie to you, the facts do not support that conclusion. Both Black and White, because they were taught that there were no Blacks in Europe until the Romans brought them. Click here, for Link to the story at the Daily Mail U. So either your Teachers and Professors are indeed liars, or they were very poorly educated. All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed. Although those who made it were on the right track, it has been fully improved, as could be expected after a century. And their first contacts with the invading White People of Central Asia. This article has been translated from th e. Quote: This clay sculpture portrays the face of the earliest known modern European - a man or woman who hunted deer and gathered fruit and herbs in ancient forests more than 35,000 years ago. Back then, they were grouped to put some order in the foundations of the young raciology. They say, if this was true, my Teachers and Professors would have taught it to me. The quantum leap has been made due to three factors. Then some Blacks correctly say: Uh huh, I knew the Whites were lying, and then go on to enjoy their edification. K. , X-chromosome haplogroups are in the process of being identified).

The fact is that European scientists had evidence, and knew from earlier that the 19th century, of the Black mans central role in settling and establishing civilization in Europe and everywhere else. Face of the first European: The Newspaper story. We are not interested in convincing, but in providing the facts whereby clearly and free-thinking individuals can convince themselves if they deem it appropriate to do so. The first Europeans: Bust Created from fragments of a fossil. g. On the matter of credibility: On first reading, readers of these pages generally feel amazement, the concept of Blacks being the original settlers, and builders of the first civilizations everywhere, including Europe, is particularly unsettling to them. The exhibits below attest to the fact that this knowledge was known over a hundred years ago. It also shows the close links between the first European settlers and their immediate African ancestors. Due to this free access to physical-anthropological features, an update of the old racial classification was bound to occur sooner or later. Long before finding photographs of pure specimens, he already had in mind the features he was looking for. His recreation offers a tantalizing glimpse into life before the dawn of civilization. This is a luxury that physical anthropologists at the beginning of the past century (who had to content themselves with a very limited and black-and-white photographical supply) could hardly dream of. But Whites remain incredulous, they say: this is simply Blacks with no accomplishments, trying to steal White accomplishment and history. This article has not been written to promote divisions or discriminations, or to heartlessly catalog the human being like cattle or as a mechanical entity. The most recent studies on Population Genetics point out that modern Europeans are mostly descended from three distinct conglomerates of peoples, tending to confirm, rather than refute, the new racial classification. The Original Black Cultures of Eastern Europe and Asia. This search, which exceeds all previous ones and sets Physical Anthropology on a solid and totally new basis, has led him to discover that. Some data of this article are outdated and are yet to be uptated.

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Accelerated y-dna mutation rate and diet
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